What Should Replace the Eastside Denny's? And Why It Should It Be Runza

Hey, did you know the Denny's on E 10th street closed recently? Yep, another victim of the fast-changing landscape of food service.

It is sad, this was "my" Denny's. When my family first moved to Sioux Falls back in the day this was our go-to night-out restaurant. Kids ate free and we could drink all the coffee we could soak up. Plus it was 24 hours, which fit into our chaotic schedules at the time.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ben Kuhns is just some guy on the internet. He is a wannabe writer, and his wife thinks he's funny. He writes for Results-Townsquare Media in Sioux Falls South Dakota.

12 Businesses That Would Do Great in Sioux Falls' Abandoned Gordmans Building

For thirty years the people of Sioux Falls saw the sign for Gordmans off-price department store across the parking lot from the Empire Mall.

In September of 2020, the store closed for its final time. Since then the building has sat empty, something that doesn't happen too often in Sioux Falls.

We were wondering what people in Sioux Falls would like to see take over the space. Some folks wanted their Gordmans back. It was a great place to find deals on clothing. But, all the Gordmans are gone, so that's a no-go.

And since we've gotten our Chick Fil A and Chipotle, the city is primed for another thing to line up for.

120 Year Old Minnesota Bridge Still In Use And Freaking Amazing

Minnesota known as the land of 10,000 lakes has one of the most unique old bridges still in use today. The Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge in Duluth Minnesota is what they call a span-drive configuration movable lift bridge.


Hey, did you know the Denny's on E 10th street closed recently? Yep, another victim of the fast-changing landscape of food service.

It is kind of sad, this was "my" Denny's. When my family first moved to Sioux Falls back in the day this was our go to night out restaurant. Kids ate free and we could drink all the coffee we could soak up. Plus it was 24 hours, which fit into our chaotic schedules at the time.

But, time doesn't stop, and the pandemic slammed places like that. They were open for fewer hours, then finally called it and closed the restaurant.

On the bright side, that means that the eastside of Sioux Falls now has a prime location available for a new restaurant.

I saw that California-based In and Out Burger is expanding its chain east, setting up in Tennessee.

This spot would be perfect for the burger place that annoying people won't shut up about. We get it, you went to Disneyland once 9 years ago.

Or how about that other hamburger place people get way too excited over; Whataburger? Then you could finally have something to talk about with your weird cousin from Texas.

We could go in the other direction. How about a Shake Shack? Yea, the west coast doesn't have a monopoly on regional hamburger obsessions.

I'm sure there are some that would welcome one of the old standbys on the Come To Sioux Falls Wishlist. Like a Trader Joe's.

Or, another Chick-fil-A

Or a Cheesecake Factory. But if we had a CF in Sioux Falls, what would you talk about next time you come back from The Cities?

Sioux Falls is missing a solid comfort-food buffet. A Golden Corral would be a nice addition to the eastside.

Oh! A Dickey's Barbecue Pit is a great idea!

But, I'm just dragging this out. There is only one answer. Only one chain restaurant that Sioux Falls actually needs.

It'll be familiar to all the Nebraska ex-pats in the Sioux Empire.

You'll recognize it from that time your kid's team played at the tournament in Omaha.

It is the, if I may be so bold, the even better version of Culvers (and I Lovvvvvvveeee Culvers like a good midwesterner).

It is the only place where I will eat the onion rings because they'll mix them with the fries.

It's the place where you can get chili and cinnamon rolls in a drive-thru.

The burgers here are top-notch.


But it is famous for another type of sandwich-type thing...

The pride of the Cornhusker state, Runza!

You may think that you don't like cabbage burgers. But you have never dined on the delicious delight that is the titular menu item.

The runza from Runza is based on old german immigrants' recipes. It's spiced hamburger and cabbage baked inside bread. The one with the cheese is the best, BTW.

"Ground-beef-and-cabbage pioneers Sally Everett and her brother, Alex Brening..." opened the first restaurant in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1949, Today, Runza restaurants are all over Nebraska, and a few places out of state.

I wish one of those places was Sioux Falls.

Legend has it that long ago Sioux Falls had a Runza at one time. But that was before I lived here. If it was here with me, my family would probably be financially supporting the place ourselves.

As a Nebraska transplant to South Dakota, Runza is the only thing that I really miss from down south. There's no reason that it wouldn't be a huge hit in Sioux Falls too.